
Q: When do I have to connect to the system?

A: You must connect to the system within 60 days of receipt of the Notice to Connect.  Connection is also required for new construction when water service becomes active.

Q: Who can connect my property to the system?

A: You can connect to the system yourself or have a plumbing contractor connect you to the system.  The Authority maintains a list of contractors in the office who have attended the installation seminar.  The Authority cannot endorse or recommend any particular contractor.

Q: Do I have to use a contractor on your list?

A: No.  You are free to choose anyone you wish to install the grinder pump and connect to the system or perform the work yourself.  The person/contractor chosen must first attend an information seminar sponsored by the Authority before any work can begin.  The Contractor List is maintained only for convenience.  The Authority cannot endorse or recommend any particular contractor.  All installations must be inspected by the Authority BEFORE being covered.  Failure to have this inspection will invalidate the warranty on the grinder pump and the property owner will be responsible for all maintenance and repair bills.

Q: Can I install the grinder pump myself?

A: Yes, you can install the pump yourself; however you must attend an information seminar sponsored by the Authority before any installation work can begin.  All installations must be inspected by the Authority BEFORE being covered.  Failure to have this inspection will invalidate the warranty on the grinder pump and the property owner will be responsible for all maintenance and repair bills.

Q: When are the installation seminars?

A: The Authority currently conducts installation seminars on an as-needed basis.  There is a per-person charge for this seminar.

Q: Does the connection have to be inspected?

A: Yes.  Before your connection can be buried, it must be inspected by an Authority representative to ensure proper connection and compliance with regulations.  Failure to have this inspection will invalidate the warranty on the grinder pump and the property owner will be responsible for all maintenance and repair bills.

Q: Who performs the inspection of the installation/connection to the system?

A: The Authority has the responsibility of inspecting your connection to the system.  Call the office for an inspection appointment BEFORE you cover the installation.  Failure to have this inspection will invalidate the warranty on the grinder pump and the property owner will be responsible for all maintenance and repair bills.

Q: What if there is damage to my property during installation?

A: For damage caused by the Authority during installation of the main sewer lines, fill out a complaint form and submit to the Authority office as soon as possible.  Damage caused by the person connecting your property to the system should be spelled out in the contract for services and is not handled by the Authority.


Q: How much is the tap fee?

A: The tap fee is $5,000 per EDU, plus application fee.

Q: Who pays the tap fee, installation, and sewer bills?

A: The owner of the property pays the tap and application fees and pays to connect to the system.  The sewer bills are paid by the owner on a monthly basis.  In the case of rental property, the lease determines who pays the sewer bills.

Q: When does the tap fee have to be paid?

A:  Tap fee is paid within 60 days of receipt of Notice to Connect or before connection to the system.

Q: Can I make payments on the tap fee?

A: Yes, minimum payments of $50 will be taken at the office until 60 days after the Notice to Connect is sent out by the Authority.

Q: What if I can’t afford the tap fee?

A: Special financing can be arranged for those who qualify.  See office personnel for qualification details.


Q: Is the water and sewer on one bill?

A: You will receive separate water and sewer bills.

Q: Why don’t the water usage and sewer bills match?

A: Your sewer bill is based on the previous month’s water usage.  Your sewer bill will not be the same as the current month’s water usage.

Q: How can I pay my bill?

A: You can bring your payment to the Authority office in person during office hours, use either of the two payment drop boxes (one at the township building, the other at the sewer plant), mail your payment, use automatic bank draft, or pay online.


Q: What if there is a problem with my grinder pump?

A: Call the Emergency Contact number listed on the back of the sewer bill and on the website.

Q: What if I don’t connect to the system?

A: If you are required to connect and fail to do so, a municipal lien for any unpaid tap fee will be placed on your property which shall be collected in the manner provided by law.  Charges will also be filed with the local magistrate for failure to connect in accordance with the township ordinance.

Q: Who has to connect to the system?

A: The owner of any house, building or property which is used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes under the jurisdiction of the Authority, and abutting on any street, alley or rights-of-way in which there is or may be located a wastewater sewer facility of the Authority, is required to connect to the system.

Q: What is an EDU?

A: Equivalent Dwelling Unit – “Residential customers, any room, group of rooms, or enclosure occupied or intended for occupancy as a separate living quarters for a family or other group of persons living together or by persons living alone.”  “Commercial customers, any office, … or other similar commercial establishment selling a product or rendering a service… In the case of motels, hotels and schools, an EDU shall be defined as each 45,000 gallons or less of water used per year therein.  Each commercial EDU, even though in a building or complex of buildings, shall be considered a separate EDU.  Each commercial EDU even though it may be located in the same building with a residential unit or units or other commercials units shall be considered as a separate EDU.  With regard to industrial and commercial customers, an EDU shall be defined as each 45,000 gallons or less of water used per year therein.”

Q: What if I have well water?

A: There are two options for those on well water: install a water meter on the incoming line for billing purposes or pay the flat rate associated with 3750 gal. per month.

Q: What if I sell my property?

A: If you sell your property before it is connected, buyer’s lenders will require connection at the seller’s cost as a condition of the sale unless otherwise specified in the sales contract.  All outstanding charges and liens are paid at closing.  A lien letter is always required from the Authority when property is sold.

Q: What does “vacancy rate” mean?

A: The vacancy rate is a special rate that applies to a property that remains unoccupied for more than 30 days or an occupied property that has no active water service.  It is also used on vacant land that has been sewered.  Properties serviced with well water are never given a vacancy rate.